The Pipeline Tool (an alternative ETL tool)

Pipelines are an idea originally inspired by PDAL pipelines. Pipelines represent a set of instructions: how to read data, transform (process) said data, and write it. It is possible to do this with other parts of the GeoTrellis API, but the pipeline provides an alternative which could simplify some common processing tasks and to reduce the amount of code that is necessary to perform some common operations.

Pipelines are represented as JSON objects which each represent discrete steps (which we will call Stage Objects) to be performed.

You can break these Stage Objects into three categories: readers, writers, and transformations.

Sample Pipeline Application

import geotrellis.spark._
import geotrellis.spark.pipeline._
import geotrellis.spark.pipeline.ast._

implicit val sc: SparkContext = ???

// pipeline json example
val maskJson =
    |  {
    |    "uri" : "s3://geotrellis-test/daunnc/",
    |    "type" : ""
    |  },
    |  {
    |    "resample_method" : "nearest-neighbor",
    |    "type" : "singleband.spatial.transform.tile-to-layout"
    |  },
    |  {
    |    "crs" : "EPSG:3857",
    |    "scheme" : {
    |      "crs" : "epsg:3857",
    |      "tileSize" : 256,
    |      "resolutionThreshold" : 0.1
    |    },
    |    "resample_method" : "nearest-neighbor",
    |    "type" : "singleband.spatial.transform.buffered-reproject"
    |  },
    |  {
    |    "end_zoom" : 0,
    |    "resample_method" : "nearest-neighbor",
    |    "type" : "singleband.spatial.transform.pyramid"
    |  },
    |  {
    |    "name" : "mask",
    |    "uri" : "s3://geotrellis-test/colingw/pipeline/",
    |    "key_index_method" : {
    |      "type" : "zorder"
    |    },
    |    "scheme" : {
    |      "crs" : "epsg:3857",
    |      "tileSize" : 256,
    |      "resolutionThreshold" : 0.1
    |    },
    |    "type" : "singleband.spatial.write"
    |  }

  // parse the JSON above
  val list: Option[Node[Stream[(Int, TileLayerRDD[SpatialKey])]]] = maskJson.node

  list match {
    case None => println("Couldn't parse the JSON")
    case Some(node) => {
      // eval evaluates the pipeline
      // the result type of evaluation in this case would ben Stream[(Int, TileLayerRDD[SpatialKey])]
      node.eval.foreach { case (zoom, rdd) =>
        println(s"ZOOM: ${zoom}")
        println(s"COUNT: ${rdd.count}")

To understand what’s going on in the above pipeline, read the corresponding type field of the each pipeline step. In our case:

  • – load tiles into Spark memory as (ProjectedExtent, Tile) tuples
  • singleband.spatial.transform.tile-to-layout – tile and index data as (SpatialKey, Tile) tuples
  • singleband.spatial.transform.buffered-reproject – reproject everything into a target CRS
  • singleband.spatial.transform.pyramid – build a pyramid (i.e. build out layers for different zoom levels)
  • singleband.spatial.write – write the output of the above operations to storage

The result node type should equal to the final operation type, meaning that it is possible to evaluate a pipeline and continue working with its results (whose character we can know based on the final operation type)

It is also possible to build pipelines using only the internal scala DSL:

import geotrellis.spark._
import geotrellis.spark.tiling._
import geotrellis.spark.pipeline._
import geotrellis.spark.pipeline.json._
import geotrellis.spark.pipeline.json.transform._
import geotrellis.spark.pipeline.json.write._
import geotrellis.spark.pipeline.ast._
import geotrellis.spark.pipeline.ast.untyped.ErasedNode

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext

implicit val sc: SparkContext = ???

val scheme = Left[LayoutScheme, LayoutDefinition](FloatingLayoutScheme(512))
val jsonRead = JsonRead("s3://geotrellis-test/", `type` = ReadTypes.SpatialS3Type)
val jsonTileToLayout = TileToLayout(`type` = TransformTypes.SpatialTileToLayoutType)
val jsonReproject = Reproject("EPSG:3857", scheme, `type` = TransformTypes.SpatialBufferedReprojectType)
val jsonPyramid = Pyramid(`type` = TransformTypes.SpatialPyramidType)
val jsonWrite = JsonWrite("mask", "s3://geotrellis-test/pipeline/", PipelineKeyIndexMethod("zorder"), scheme, `type` = WriteTypes.SpatialType)

val list: List[PipelineExpr] = jsonRead ~ jsonTileToLayout ~ jsonReproject ~ jsonPyramid ~ jsonWrite

// typed way, as in the JSON example above
val typedAst: Node[Stream[(Int, TileLayerRDD[SpatialKey])]] =
    .node[Stream[(Int, TileLayerRDD[SpatialKey])]]
val result: Stream[(Int, TileLayerRDD[SpatialKey])] = typedAst.eval

Pipeline in user applications

The above sample application can be placed in a new SBT project that has a dependency on "org.locationtech.geotrellis" %% "geotrellis-spark-pipeline" % s"$VERSION" in addition to dependency on spark-core and built into an assembly with the sbt-assembly plugin. You should be careful to include an assemblyMergeStrategy for sbt assembly plugin as it is provided in spark-pipeline build file.

Each Pipeline config represents a full Main and, thus, requires the creation of separate App objects (scala more idiomatic Main) per ingest.

Built-in Pipeline assembly fat jar

The example of a user application with a proper build.sbt file is spark-pipeline project itself.

You may use it by building an assembly jar of spark-pipeline project as follows:

cd geotrellis
sbt> project spark-pipeline
sbt> assembly

The assembly jar will be placed in geotrellis/spark-pipeline/target/scala-2.11 directory.

Scala DSL and Pipeline Stage Objects description

The type of the operation is described in the JSON object type field. Usually such type has the following structure:

{singleband | multiband}.[spatial | temporal}.{read | write | transform}.{operation name}

Reader objects

   "uri" : "{s3| file | hdfs | ...}://...",
   "time_tag" : "TIFFTAG_DATETIME", // optional field
   "time_format" : "yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss", // optional field
   "type" : "{singleband | multiband}.{spatial | temporal}.read.{s3 | hadoop}"
Key Value
uri Uri to the source imagery
time_tag The name of the time tag in the dataset metadata
type operation type

The structure of all operations is pretty simple, basically here only two types of readers are available: To read from S3 or from Hadoop supported file systems via Hadoop API.

Writer objects

   "name" : "layerName",
   "uri" : "{s3| file | hdfs | ...}://...",
   "key_index_method" : {
      "type" : "{zorder | hilbert}",
      "temporal_resolution": 1 // optional, if set - temporal index is used
   "scheme" : {
      "crs" : "epsg:3857",
      "tileSize" : 256,
      "resolutionThreshold" : 0.1
   "type" : "{singleband | multiband}.{spatial | temporal}.write"
Key Value
uri Uri to the source imagery
name layer name
key_index_method key index method to generate index from spatial keys
key_index_method.type zorder, row-major, hilbert
key_index_method. tmporal_resolution temporal resolution in millis
scheme target layout scheme scheme target crs
scheme.tileSize layout scheme tile size
scheme. resolutionThreshold Resolution for user defined Layout Scheme (optional field)

The structure of all operations is pretty simple, basically here only two types of readers are available: To read from S3 or from Hadoop supported file systems via Hadoop API.

Transformation objects

Tile To Layout

   "resample_method" : "nearest-neighbor",
   "type" : "{singleband | multiband}.{spatial | temporal}.transform.tile-to-layout"

Projects RDD[({ProjectedExtent | TemporalProjectedExtent}, {Tile | MultibandTile})] into RDD[({SpatialKey | SpaceTimeKey}, {Tile | MultibandTile})].

Key Options
resample_method nearest-neighbo r, bilinear, cubic-convoluti on, cubic-spline, lanczos

ReTile To Layout

   "layout_definition": {
      "extent": [0, 0, 1, 1],
      "tileLayout": {
         "layoutCols": 1,
         "layoutRows": 1,
         "tileCols": 1,
         "tileRows": 1
   "resample_method" : "nearest-neighbor",
   "type" : "{singleband | multiband}.{spatial | temporal}.transform.retile-to-layout"

Retiles RDD[({SpatialKey | SpaceTimeKey}, {Tile | MultibandTile})] according to some layout definition.

Buffered Reproject

   "crs" : "EPSG:3857",
   "scheme" : {
      "crs" : "epsg:3857",
      "tileSize" : 256,
      "resolutionThreshold" : 0.1
   "resample_method" : "nearest-neighbor",
   "type" : "{singleband | multiband}.{spatial | temporal}.transform.buffered-reproject"

Projects RDD[({SpatialKey | SpaceTimeKey}, {Tile | MultibandTile})] into the destination CRS according to some layout scheme.

Key Options
crs scheme target crs
tileSize layout scheme tile size
resolutionThreshold Resolution for user defined Layout Scheme (optional field)
resample_method nearest-neighbo r, bilinear, cubic-convoluti on, cubic-spline, lanczos

Per Tile Reproject

   "crs" : "EPSG:3857",
   "scheme" : {
      "crs" : "epsg:3857",
      "tileSize" : 256,
      "resolutionThreshold" : 0.1
   "resample_method" : "nearest-neighbor",
   "type" : "{singleband | multiband}.{spatial | temporal}.transform.per-tile-reproject"

Projects RDD[({ProjectedExtent | TemporalProjectedExtent}, {Tile | MultibandTile})] into the destination CRS according to some layout scheme.

Key Options
scheme target layout scheme scheme target crs
scheme.tileSize layout scheme tile size
scheme. resolutionThreshold Resolution for user defined Layout Scheme (optional field)
resample_method nearest-neighbo r, bilinear, cubic-convoluti on, cubic-spline, lanczos


   "end_zoom" : 0,
   "resample_method" : "nearest-neighbor",
   "type" : "{singleband | multiband}.{spatial | temporal}.transform.pyramid"

Pyramids RDD[({SpatialKey | SpaceTimeKey}, {Tile | MultibandTile})] up to end_zoom level, the result type is Stream[RDD[({SpatialKey | SpaceTimeKey}, {Tile | MultibandTile})]].

Key Options
end_zoom The lowest zoom level to build pyramid down to
resample_method Floating layout scheme in a native projection

Layout Scheme

GeoTrellis is able to tile layers in either ZoomedLayoutScheme, matching TMS pyramid, or FloatingLayoutScheme, matching the native resolution of input raster. These alternatives may be selecting by using the layoutScheme option.

Note that ZoomedLayoutScheme needs to know the world extent, which it gets from the CRS, in order to build the TMS pyramid layout. This will likely cause resampling of input rasters to match the resolution of the TMS levels.

On other hand FloatingLayoutScheme will discover the native resolution and extent and partition it by given tile size without resampling.

User-Defined Layout

You may bypass the layout scheme logic by providing layoutExtent and either a tileLayout or a cellSize and tileSize to fully define the layout and start the tiling process. The user may optionally specify an output cellType as well (default case uses the input cellType).


spark-pipeline project supports two methods of reprojection: buffered and per-tile. They provide a trade-off between accuracy and flexibility.

Buffered reprojection method is able to sample pixels past the tile boundaries by performing a neighborhood join. This method is the default and produces the best results. However it requires that all of the source tiles share the same CRS.

Per tile reproject method can not consider pixels past the individual tile boundaries, even if they exist elsewhere in the dataset. Any pixels past the tile boundaries will be as NODATA when interpolating. This restriction allows for source tiles to have a different projections per tile. This is an effective way to unify the projections for instance when projection from multiple UTM projections to WebMercator.